LIFE Capacities
in Lithuania
Project goals:
Develop Lithuania’s capacity to submit quality applications for funding under the sub-programmes for Environment and Climate Action
Project goals:
Make a better use of the LIFE programme by supporting on-going and closed projects and to make sure that the results of successful LIFE projects are disseminated and used widely


LIFE13 NAT/LT/000084

WETLIFE 2 - Restoration of proper hydrological conditions in Amalva and Kamanos bog (LIFE13 NAT/LT/000084)

The WETLIFE 2 project aims to restore important habitats within the Amalva and Kamanos wetlands in Lithuania. Its primary approach for rehabilitating the targeted habitats will be the restoration of proper hydrological conditions. This hopes to benefit rare and endangered species as well as securing the provision of ecosystem services provided by the mire habitats. Coordinator: Nature Heritage Fund Partners: Directorate of Kamanos state strict nature rezerve; Directorate of Žuvintas biosphere rezerve; Administration of Marijampole municipality; Marijampole State Forestry Enterprise.

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