Guidelines and other documents

The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.

The European Commission launches calls for the Environment and Climate Action Programme LIFE every year. 2018 call for proposals was announced on the 18th of April.

LIFE Application guidelines provide all necessary information on application procedures, possible applicants and other new information about LIFE. 

Guidelines of traditional LIFE projects of Call 2018:

In order to simplify the process for the submission of LIFE traditional projects, in 2018 proposal submission procedure for the Environment sub-programme will be organised in two stages:

• Stage 1: Concept note

• Stage 2: Full proposal

This two stage approach will first entail submission of an 11 page concept note. Only applicants with the best ranked concept notes will be invited to submit a full proposal.

The submission procedure for the Climate sub-programme will be organised as before, in one-stage approach.

Full proposals and Concept notes should be submitted through the online tool eProposal.  




2017 Call